Waiting for a Star to Fall

OK I admit it. While I love the Playstation 3 for its wide games catalogue, photo and divx handling as well as Blu-Ray movie capability. Hands down the single best thing it does for me is SingStar.  The simple fact that SingStar, while essentially Karaoke, provides a competitive edge to it with its on screen scoring system and has provided a compelling source of entertainment over the last year for me and my friends. We often find a BBQ, a few drinks and later some SingStar make for an enjoyable evening.

I am a horrible singer at the best of times and sadly the game gives no extra point for interpretation or flair. But I give anyone extra kudos for taking part with gusto. The other nice bonus is that it has allowed me to discover a few bands I had previously not paid much attention to i.e Coldplay

The problem with any Karaoke style game is the catalogue of songs you have at your disposal. As the Depeche Mode song goes “I just can’t get enough”

This leads to a publishers dream of extra content sales – and I have gone the whole hog on it. Not only do I own SingStar Volume 1,2 and 3 as well as the new Abba disc I have downloaded from the online store a further 100 tracks (from a choice of 500) – but somehow one is always wanting more. And today Sony delivered, by allowing the PS2 SingStar discs to be played on the PS3 – suddenly opening a huge back catalogue of hundreds of tracks previously unavailable to PS3 owners. (I feel a trip to amazon.com in my near future) 

Instead of boring everyone with the ridiculous songs I have brought, I thought I would compile my top five list:

Best One Hit Wonder Song:

To Be With You – Mr Big (also wins best refrain)

Best Power Ballad:

Total Eclipse of the Heart – Bonnie Tyler  (also wins best haircut)

Best Song for Taking on all comers:

Fix You – Coldplay (one of the few songs I can get a decent score on)

Best Duet:

Its Tricky – Run DMC (I love being Run)

Cheeziest Song:

Ice Ice Baby – Vanilla (a hard choice)

I highly recommend SingStar to anyone wanting some lighthearted fun. As can be seen by Ursula and Renata seen here singing their hearts out:

Part of this post appeared in the Gulf News.

One Response

  1. Total eclipse of the heart is definately one of my fav songs. i grew up in the 80’s and love all of those old madonna and prince songs.

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